Rancang Bangun Sistem Penyiraman Tanaman Secara Otomatis Menggunakan Sensor Suhu LM35 Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega8535
During the time, plants watering is done manually. But, sometimes we don’t have more time watering the plants. Therefore, we need a tool that can help us to do that. A tool as system that can work automatically. By using this tool, we hope watering plants can be done in the correct moment and time. This research is done by developing an automatically plants watering system using microcontroller ATMega8535 as the main controller and suhue sensor LM35. This system also uses Real Time Clock (RTC) 1307 as timer, and Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) as display. The plants watering system can watering the plants automatically. When the detected temperature comes into the category limit that has been determined, system can work automatically watering the plants. LCD will displays real time and air temperature value surroundings the plants.