Development of dynamic evolution control for pv inverter in solar power plant application

Development of dynamic evolution control for pv inverter in solar power plant application. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Volume 12, Issue 12, Pages 3795 – 38011 June 2017, ISSN:1819-6608 (Ahmad Saudi Samosir 1;Agus Trisanto 2.; Ageng Sadnowo 3.)

Jurnal Internasional

Title: Development of dynamic evolution control for PV inverter in solar power plant application
Author (s): A. S. Samosir, A. Trisanto and A. Sadnowo
Abstract: Power inverter is a kind of power electronic converter that used to convert a dc input voltage to an Ac output voltage. In solar power plant application, the PV inverter converts the Dc voltage from Solar PV panel, which is usually stored in the battery, into an ac output voltage to serve the load of household appliances, such as lighting, television, mobile charger, even a washing machine and water pump. Therefore, a reliable inverter that can produce a good output voltage is necessary. The main purpose of this paper is to design and develop a dynamic evolution control (DEC) for a PV Inverter in solar power plant application. The analysis and design of the DEC control technique are provided. The performance of the PV inverter controller is verified through MATLAB Simulink. To validate the simulation results, an experimental prototype of PV inverter is developed. The controller of the PV inverter system was implemented based on dynamic evolution control. The performance of the proposed dynamic evolution control is tested through simulation and experiment.