Category Archives: Everyday

Empati dan Etika Bisnis

04:48 AM @Maxx Coffee

St Hall, Bandung. A massive shout out to your service and empathy. Kebanggaan saya bertambah pada @maxxcofee yang telah menanamkan budaya empati dan pelayanan tinggi pada konsumen. Seperti biasa pesan kopi favorit Melaka Brulee di sini. Selalu menyempatkan mampir meskipun kadang² ga perlu juga sih.


Biasanya kalau pesan menu ini tidak pernah ada tambahan/campuran apapun. Lihat, tunjuk, pesan, bayar, done. Tapi kali ini tumben saya ditawari akang-akang pramukopi (read: Barrister). “Bapak mau pakai tambahan xxxx?”, tawarnya sambil menyebut beberapa pilihan tambahan. Yang teringat hanya Almond Milk. Ga terpikir apa-apa terhadap tambahan ini. “Wah, keren ada layanan ekstra!”, gumam saya dalam hati. Tanpa berpikir panjang langsung saya pilih almond milk. Singkatnya kopipun dibayar, pakai QRIS. Yang terpikir bersiap bayar Rp 67.000. Ternyata angka yg muncul di mesin scan Rp 85.000. Disini sempat bingung, kok jadi mahal ya harganya, padahal di display yang tertera adalah harga yang biasa saya bayar. Masih mencoba prasangka baik, mungkin ini komponen VAT plus FnB taxes. Tapi tetep Rp 18.000 kok kerasa gede ya haha…
Penasaran, akhirnya saya tanya. Benar saja, there’s no such thing like free sate padang!. Selisih harga ini ternyata harga tambahan almond milk itu. Segera saya protes, ga pake teriak-teriak bawa bendera partai tentunya.
“Kang, kenapa ga dikasih tau ti heula (read: sebelumnya) kalau ada extra charge. Saya langganan, biasa ke sini ga pernah ada info”. Dan seterusnya saya menyampaikan keberatan saya.Mulai merasakan komunikasi yang tidak romantis lagi, akang pramukopi menjelaskan bahwa harganya tertera di bagian lain dari display. Benar ternyata, harganya ada di sisi lain papan display harga. Bedanya informasi harga-harga tambahan ini ditempatkan berdempetan, daaaaan akang pramukopi tidak menginformasikan dengan jelas bahwa sebuah tambahan akan datang bersamanya harga tambahan. Untuk konsumen lugu dan perlu bimbingan seperti saya, tentu suatu praktik bisnjs yang baik dan beretika jika sebuah varian baru perlu dipastikan bahwa pelanggan notice, terlepas dari kelalaian saya sebagai pembeli untuk scanning melototin semua harga-harga yang tertera. I don’t know, perhaps this is a proper example that empathy serves as one of the foundations of every business practice.
Dilalah keberatan saya didengar. Sang akang pramukopi memberitahu bahwa almond milknya akan diberikan gratis dan mengembalikan uang selisih secara tunai. Tidak terdengar kandungan kata-kata yang bersungut-sungut dari si akang pramukopi. Terkejutnya saya, sekaligus terharu dan senang. Saya yakin ini bukan hanya faktor dari kesolehan individu si akang pramukopi saja, tapi pasti juga hasil tempaan manajemen untuk menanamkan budaya berbisnis yang beretika yang selalu mencoba menempatkan diri pada situasi sosial seorang pelanggan. Hal ini mahal, mahal sekali di mata pelanggan, terlebih returning customer seperti saya (meski cuma beli kopi doang hehe). Perlakuan seperti efeknya menyentuh hati, dan dampaknya meski tidak sekarang, saya yakin jadi kampanye tersirat gratis yang powerful karena agen² kampanyenya bukan perusahaan, tapi ekosistemnya!.
Terima kasih kang Bayu Reza Aulia sang akang pramukopi yang menjadi duta nilai etika bisnis Maxx Coffee dan menjadi guru saya untuk belajar right from the field. Proud of you and will definitely pay it forward..

Perceraian dan Anak Perempuan [ID]

Research Parcel Series – 4

Pasangan orang tua mana yang lebih condong berpisah? Orang tua dengan anak laki² atau orang tua dengan anak perempuan?

Ini hasil riset yang sangat menarik yang sudah dipublikasi di The Economic Journal, jurnal bereputasi tinggi. Kajian ini melengkapi dan menawarkan penjelasan alternatif dari dugaan bahwa penyebab perpisahan karena adanya kecondongan pasangan pada anak lelaki (son preference). Saya paparkan hal-hal yang cukup mengemuka saja. Silahkan dibaca versi pracetak atau resminya di pranala yang sudah disediakan. Continue reading

Independence of Locus

This was my 2011 post by the way… but I supposte the thought remains relevant.

Much of the disparity between people who decide to stay abroad after their study done and those who choose to go back to their heimatland falls into reality and nationalism polarization. The former choose for building up their academics (or maybe commercial) career, be it in their former university or another institutions, see more on much more “realistic” sense, while the latter stand on the ground of nationalism. In one hand, “Well, what can I say, I do not know what I would become if I choose staying in Indonesia. I got no lab facilities, at least equivalent with my time when I studied. The government just don’t care with us scientist. The keep scientific budget low. We just have to live the fact and protect my family future.and so on so forth”. In the other extreme, ” Better or worse is my country. I shall return no matter how hard it is. Those who think of staying away from what happened in our country simply people with no more nationalism in their heart. And there you go, the debate becomes an endless discussion as both sides defends their own reason. Continue reading

Human Inflation

A writing I get from my fellow Ebi….You might want to see his blog to. Visit his at: A very nice article and so moving.

One afternoon in 2002, I met a friend by a coincidence. It was right outside the Mandarin Hotel in Sudirman Road. He was just come back from Germany, to see his brother and grandma. Well, he is half Germany.
“what’s new from Germany ?” I asked. “I found a new theory.” He replied. “What’s the theory?” I said enthusiastically. He always was an inspired friend to talk with. I love the way he conveyed his idea. Thought-provoking but yet never want to be dominant speaker. He listened to you as if you have his full attention. And most of all he is a very resourceful man. He once come to my room in University of Indonesia’s dormitory and give me “Food for thought” as preparation before heading to International Student Festival in Throndheim, Norway, back in 1999. And he had to walk to train station late at night, not to mention in the dark scary part of UI’s forests. Hmmm…. suddenly I miss that conversation! Continue reading

When your kid said this…

Home 1314pm.

Exactly last night, while I was checking final exam for my students, I heard this touching words coming from a movie casted by Eddy Murphy (correct spelling?). No need an hour to think, I realize how precious time for my children when I’m around them.
In one of its part, a son said to Eddy (I’m not sure what his role was, but I suppose he’s playing a father there) after he decided to move to a job that will take him away from his son for a quite long time, “…I would sale all of my toys… you (father) don’t have to get money and we could be together.”.
It was one of a touchy word I’ve ever heard. Even though, I’ve heard it somewhere before, but somehow I feel that it shoots right through my heart.
I recall my time that I have for my two angels. It is so little I spare for them, predominately used for my own career and my own time. Children might change everything you dream this moment, but children will turn to something you would dream of when they were grown up, with your passion, care, and love.
Thank you exam and eddy…

Unconscious Bias

Research Parcel Series 1

Return to science to digest how racism really works. Research from Standford’s Prof.Jennifer Eberhardt brings up the notion #unconscious #bias to understand how people are biased toward certain values deep rooted in their neuron level by virtue of life interaction. Oh by the way, it’s interesting to know that Prof Eberhardt’s widely call is The Bias Detective :). Continue reading