Monthly Archives: May 2023

IT Gov OC 1 – IT Governance Introduction

Hi guys, this is the first part of the IT Gov. open course. As you step through the materials, you will notice that IT Governance focuses more on business and talks much about a business than IT per se. So, it’s all about business. Please read them all to give you proper basis about what IT Governance is. Oh yeah, I will state explicitly if there is a particular content that I add it by my self.

Part 1 is an Introductory discussion.

  1. About the Essence of IT Governance. The sources are partly from ITGI (IT Governance Institute) and the other part is sourced from Strategies for IT Governance by van Grembergen and de Haes, scholars in IT Governance University of Antwerpen Management School (UAMS).
  2. Corporate Governance. Briefly discusses the relationship between IT Governance and Corporate Governance
  3. IT Governance according Weill&Ross, from  Centre for Information Systems Research (CISR), MIT Sloan.
  4. Integrating  IT Governance into corporate strategy, extracted from Ryan Peterson writing.
  5. Discussion on Organizational Structure Theory.
  6. A brief about Organization Decision Making.
  7. Communication. Communication mechanism is talked in Board Briefing on IT Governance, ITGI.
  8. Managing IT Function, mostly from Gottschalk’s chapter in  van Grembergen Et. Al’s  Strategies for IT Governance book.
  9. ITIL in a nutshell.
  10. COBIT 4.1 in a nutshell.
  11. AS-8015 Good Governance for ICT, now ISO 38500.
  12. Val IT 2.0 Erklärung
  13. What is Risk IT. I add it myself. It is available in ISACA website.
  14. Muki’s paper on  Describing IT Value Using IT BSC and IT Strategy Maps, in  Praha, Czech Rep, 2007.
  15. Muki’s presentation in Seminar IT Gov UI February 2008 at Bidakara, hasil case study 18 organisasi besar by Lab IT Gov UI
  16. Muki’s paper about Pendorong, Pendukung dan Penghambat IT Governance at big companies in indonesia (working paper, do not quote).
  17. Muki’s paper on the State of IT Governance at 103 Indonesia’s state enterprises  2010 (working paper, do not quote). There is no paper available either. Not available in Muki’s homepage too.
  18. Muki’s paper on  IT Gov BUMN hasil survey di 103 BUMN, in  a seminar of  IT Gov collaborating with Faculty of Computer Science  UI. Supported by ISACA, Detiknas, and other private firms. The output has been updated on his dissertation. 16 March 2011, Bidakara, Jakarta.
  19. Muki’s dissertation  about  IT Governance in BUMN. Entitled IT Governance Maturity at Indonesian State Owned Enterprises: Contingent Factors & Impacts. I salute you for this!. Sneak peak:
    • number of drivers (pressures) relates with IT Governance maturity
    • number of enablers associates with IT Governance maturity
    • number of inhibitors has nothing to do with IT Governance maturity
    • IT Governance has a positive effect on how value of IT investment is being felt in the organization
    • IT Governance has an association with bottom line company performance
    • IT Governance has (unfortunately) no association (or weak) with IT Risks
  20. Survey of IT Governance Control Objective Maturity, based on COBIT ME4 – Provide IT Governance. In Indonesia, easy to use and comprehend.
  21. ITIL version 3. From an official source, only selected the most important ones due to the large repository of books. Indonesia slides are also available.

That is it. I am thinking to give it in Indonesia to make the readers more effectively grasp the idea transfer process. Tell me what you think. Happy reading and keep sharing alive.

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Disclaimer: I hereby do not claim that part or the whole materials I post in this topics are under my ownership. But I make some modification to make it easier and enjoyable to reader. I will claim some topics if it belongs to me.

IT Governance Open Course – Outline

The Wish of Arrianto Mukti Wibowo (Email:;

Personal Appeal / Request

” I BEG YOU, PLEASE, in the name of knowledge and science, in the name of the All-Knowing GOD, please REFER, LINK from other pages/websites, COPY, GRAB, BACKUP, SUCK, MIRROR to MANY SERVERS or CD/DVD as much as possible. May The Most Mercifull GOD bless you all (ga peduli kalau Anda atheis atau nyembah batu atau nyembah tuyul, that’s your business). Tapi please bantu backup di server lain. Mohon bantuannya mensosialisasikan. The reason I am asking you this is that in my experience, in a couple of years, for some reasons, sometimes websites are shut down for some reason (like geocities now backed-up in reocities)…” (Arrianto Mukti Wibowo)

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Find your passion! then what?

Research Parcel Series – 3

We often hear this mantra “Find your passion”, right?

But where do interests come from and how do they unfold? Are interests there all along, waiting to be revealed? Or must a spark of interest be cultivated through investment and persistence? I came accross this interesting work by O’Keefe and colleagues. According to the paper, people are often told to find their passion as though passions and interests are inner properties, simply to be discovered or recovered. Continue reading